Are You An Emotional Eater? This One is For You!

I hope you’re doing well and enjoying the last month of winter, as we head towards long awaited spring time. I know it’s been a difficult couple of months recently, with anxiety and instability spreading across the globe due to the new political situation we’re facing.

A lot of us turn to food for comfort, and this is what I’d like to talk about today. When times get tough, our emotional health suffers, which often impacts our daily habits. We don’t eat regularly, overdo the sugary snacks, eat late at night, and try to calm our anxious thoughts and feelings using food.

Did you know it’s not only our diets and waistlines that are affected by emotional eating? Problems with falling and staying asleep are two of many conditions that go hand in hand with a “food for comfort” lifestyle.

Interestingly enough, continued lack of sleep will encourage eating to stay awake in the late afternoon. Do you find yourself reaching for chocolate or a cookie around 3:30-4:00pm? You didn’t get enough nutrition at lunch and enough sleep last night!

I invite you to watch my new video blog, where I’ll be going into more detail about emotional eating and sleeping problems, giving you advice on what you can do to break the cycle, or even avoid the pitfall in the first place.

<iframe src="" width="640" height="427" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Video Blog 2/15/17 Emotional eating</a> from <a href="">Jacalyn Prete</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>

Are You Ready To Kickstart Your Spring With Healthier Habits?

Regain your emotional and physical balance, even if you’re afraid to make a big leap. I’ve created  The Small Steps, Better You program so you can make small and sustainable changes for a better, healthier lifestyle. 

It only takes a small step forward, to start making big, life altering changes.

The Small Steps, Better You Program helps you navigate how to adjust your daily eating, exercise, and sleeping habits in smalls ways to jumpstart your path to wellness, in just 7 days!

Having an actionable and achievable plan is the only way to making meaningful changes that last. Small Steps, Better You helps you build the plan that will have you on the way to feeling like your best self!

You can learn more about the program here:
