I have been anticipating this return to Europe since my last teaching tour here in the Fall of 2015. My lovely hostess, Sabine Freitag, invited her students and other Anusara® yoga students and teachers to her town of Neider-Olm for 2 days of Therapeutics Workshops. We focused on how the Universal Principles of Alignment™ of Anusara yoga helps to heal your body. I shared my own healing experience of recovering from a serious bike accident in September 2016.
By incorporating these principles I continue to heal myself. Even though my current yoga practice has limitations, I am back to teaching yoga and sharing my amazing journey. Every day I get a little stronger and more flexible. I have learned to trust the miraculous healing capacity of the human body and to cultivate patience and compassion for myself and others along the way. I know that my attitude of hope and perseverance has also increased my ability to heal. I cultivate gratitude every day for the ability to walk and do my dharma.
The German students were amazing! Their studentship has increased since my last visit in 2015. And their teacher, Sabine Freitag, is in the middle of her certification process to become a Certified Anusara Teacher. Her skills are getting stronger as well!
Sabine and I are already planning my return trip in 2018! It is such a welcoming group and warm community.

Here is Sabine and Jackie on a beautiful Sunset walk in the German Countryside with her two dogs, Scotty and Freit!

From Frankfurt I will fly to Milan where I will catch a ride with a fellow Anusara teacher, Giovanni Nigri, to Merano to join a 5 day Anusara yoga Festival called Samavesha. Giovanni is recovering from a bike accident in July! We will have much to share on our 4 hour drive to Merano.
I am looking forward to teaching a workshop at the festival entitled Find your own Unique Voice. This workshop is for teachers to hone their skills of storytelling and heart theming. These skills make up the heart of the Anusara yoga class. Learning to mine your life for juicy heart themes and weave these teachings into your class is what distinguishes this method from more technical or workout oriented yoga styles. I am also teaching a morning meditation for the group on Saturday morning.
The rest of the week I will be taking the seat of the student! I am excited to reconnect to the Anusara yoga community in Italy and to absorb teachings from great teachers like Carlos Pomeda, Lucas Bennett, Barbra Noh, Adam Ballenger, Susanna Garcia Blanco, Jimmy Bernaert, Lisa Long, Piero Viverelli, Maria Gracia Orlando, Allesandra Dipampero, Jayendra Hanley, Jay Martin, BJ Galvan… the list goes on on and on!
Go to the www.anusarayoga.com website for more details. There is space for last minute folks to come!!
I feel so blessed to have been given these teachings and to be a part of the great community of Anusara Yoga. It is an honor to share them with others here in Europe and the US.